The Broken Mirror Within My Soul



There are moments in life that give us clarity. Each of these moments is like a snapshot in our memory that we refer to when we need perspective in our everyday life. Recently I lost my beloved companion, best friend and humble dog. My heart was broken into a shattered mess. Much like a mirror that has shattered, I look down and there are reflections from all around the vicinity but no two pieces of the whole have the same reflection.

When the heart is broken, we look down on the pieces and cry until our soul cannot take it anymore. Then we look at each piece in a unique way and with a fondness. No matter how rough the memory, or how sweet, it is a piece of the whole. Slowly we pick up each piece and start to place them as if putting together a jigsaw puzzle. It takes as long as it takes, in its own time. Then one day it is complete except for one missing piece. We look at the picture coming together with all its broken lines and a single hole left for a missing piece.

One day, as we are cleaning out the cobwebs, something catches our eye. It is shiny and sticks out begging for our attention. Our thoughts go to the thought that it could have hurt someone if we had not found it. Our shattered memories and our hearts are like the mirror. They are there in a shattered mess in our grief. Then one day, when we are sweeping through our precious minds we come across a very special piece which brings it all back together; a picture with lines. The one major difference in the mirror and our broken soul is our soul can heal with the final piece and continue to grow into a bigger, more beautiful picture. Our hearts are truly special when we allow in the unconditional love in the knowledge that our hearts will be broken. We heal in knowledge and move on to other beautiful things on the foundation of our past. Our hearts and spirits heal, strengthen and allow another vulnerable moment and we open our hearts again.

Then my soul opened and revealed its vulnerability:

Life is a series of mirrors of our soul

Our soul can be captured or given

Oh, my soul has been shattered

As my beloved dog passed away

Bliss and Rainbows are his destiny now

No more Pain only happily waiting for me to join

My heart is like a broken mirror

Pieces upon pieces

As I gather each piece to place in the whole

I realize that the pieces of memory will heal

And become the foundation of more memories

And mirrors within my soul

About Jackie Moore Wagner

I am a freelance writer. Things I enjoy to write about are daily experiences with pets, gardening, cooking, DIY project, home improvement, relationships and creative poetry, essays and short stories. I believe life is inspirational. My marriage of 32 years, raising two daughters and my daily life gives me the inspiration​ to share. Join me on my journey of inspirations.
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1 Response to The Broken Mirror Within My Soul

  1. This is lovely; thank you for sharing. I have a beloved cat who is ‘gone’, but I have been anticipating his return. It’s like death, I grieve as it is like a death, he is gone, it is my loss, but I am also torn to stay hopeful of his return. It is too long now, likely, but hope always remains with me – I look up each day maybe he is back – but the loss is present every moment. He is Missing, or as I believe, ‘on a mission’. And I miss him so much. I know, as you do, that you will see your dog again; this knowledge helps but the soul is shattered, and the heart, broken. I understand. Blessings.


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